THE ODD ROBOT by Sharon Kim at 3rd Grade

For children who care what others think.

Remember, we are all different,

but I like to say it like we are  all unique!

We are all special, just believe.

(Have your friends close!)

Love The Wild Robot too!!!


1. The Odd Robot          

2. The Friend              

3. The Problem            

4. The Creature           

5. The New World        

6. The Opening            

7. The Brave Rick        

8. The Surprise          

9. The Mission           

10. The Chase            

11. The Ruined, and Chewed up Limb

12. The Rude Queen

13. The Escape From Nelly

14. The Mystery Door

15. The Fish Returns

16. The Story

17. The Trap

18. The Hero’s Come Home

19. The Party

20. The New Hero

1. The Odd Robot

    Now, this story begins in a factory. A factory where robots were built. Are you guys thinking, why is this book named “The Odd Robot?”

    Well, one robot named Olly, was, clumsy, weird and differently built than the others. He hated his life. He fell, and tripped. Other robots around him would gossip and say, “What’s wrong with that robot?” Yes, Olly didn’t have the best life, but he had a best friend. A good one.

2. The Friend

    In this factory, Olly had friends, or just one. Olly’s best, and only friend, was named Rick.

    Rick was not clumsy, weird, and differently built, like Olly. He was perfect! Sometimes, Olly would feel a bit jealous, but Olly resisted.

    Olly really wanted to change, but Rick didn’t want that to happen. In Rick’s point of view, “different” just meant “unique,” and Rick wants Olly to be unique. But in Olly’s point of view, he thought that being different was bad and horrible because he hated it! Rick loved how Olly was though, he didn’t care if Olly was different, clumsy, or weird. Olly was still a really nice robot, and that’s how Rick wants him to be!

3. The Problem

    Now, here’s where the story actually starts to get interesting. The factory, where Olly was built, was near the sea.

    One beautiful morning, the workers were building more robots. They carried the robot limbs in huge wooden boxes. Now, there was a bridge that had a river underneath that led to the ocean. Some workers would carry the boxes over the bridge.

    That morning, one of the workers walked over that bridge. There was just one very tiny mistake. One of the wooden boxes had a hole! This worker, walking on the bridge was carrying the box with a hole on the side. He was on a rush, so, he didn’t even notice it.

    The box tilted a bit and two limbs escaped! They rolled to the edge and fell into the river. The limbs flowed through the river and went in the sea. “Uh oh!” Serious trouble was about to happen! “Those limbs are very valuable!” the man said. A few minutes later some men came to check on what was going on. But the limbs were already too deep down. “Where could they be?” one man said, worried. “We will never get them back!” They shouted. Until someone had an idea. “The robots, we need the robots!”

    It was Olly’s time to shine. Olly, Rick, and the other robots were doing work. But he didn’t need too. He needed to do something more important. All he needed to do is believe in himself before he could dive in there to grab the limbs. But he couldn’t, he just couldn’t.

    When Rick heard that Olly was going to dive in, Rick started to encourage him, “Olly go, you can do it!” Rick said, “You need to show them you are brave, be a hero!” Olly took a few steps forward and then stepped back. He just couldn’t do it. But he tried again.

   Olly jumped in the water. Oh no… Olly was not meant to be a swimming robot!! But even though he was not built to swim, he swam pretty fine. It’s because his loose arms and legs made it easy to move around in the water. There was no more falling around or tripping on stones. He was underwater!

    Fish started to stare at him and circle around him. It looks like he made some fish friends! Olly knew if he found these limbs, his dream would come true! All he needed was to find the lost limbs…

4. The Creature

    Olly started by looking everywhere. He looked right, and left. All he saw was water, fishes, seaweed, coral reefs, and strange, interesting, sea creatures. There was big creatures and small ones, but Olly noticed something enormous heading to him… A GIANT whale!

    The whale came closer, and closer, and when he was close enough, the whale opened up his mouth and swallowed the robot! Olly shut his eyes in fear…

5. The New World

    “Yuck!!” Slowly, but steadily, Olly opened his eyes. He was now in a new world… A whale’s stomach!

    Olly could see all the gross stuff the whale had eaten. Everything was so dirty in there, and so was Olly. He was starting to get smelly. Olly needed to find those limbs. But where could they be? Inside the whale’s stomach was a big place, but the sea was even bigger! “It’s almost impossible to find the limbs! But I know, I have to keep trying!” Olly really wanted his dream to come true! But right now, the only thing to focus on, is on how to get out. “I bet Rick is worried….”

6. The Opening

    It’s been days… and days… Olly still haven’t thought of a way out. He just kept walking until he saw the other world, the underwater world. It has felt like forever. But not long enough.

    His foot stepped on a slimy dead fish, he slid and slid. It felt like slipping on a banana peel, but in a whale. “WOAHH” Olly yelled. He was sliding super fast!!! Then the whale burped Olly out! Finally he saw what he was looking for. That big beautiful blue world. “Finally I am out!” Olly was so thankful that he came out. But his journey is not over yet. He still hasn’t found the limbs! He swam and swam, he looked EVERYWHERE!! “Ugh! I can’t find the limbs! Maybe I’m not looking correctly.” So Olly kept searching…

7. The Brave Rick

    Up on the land, everyone was so worried, even though Olly was different, they were still worried, especially Rick. “Oh no! Why did I let Olly go! He has been gone for days!” Rick was as worried as everyone else, but a little more scared. He began to panic. “I swear Olly is in danger! I need to go help him!” Everyone tried to help, but could not. They all knew how much Rick cared about Olly. They met each other when they were just built! So, everyone just let Rick go to the depths to find Olly.

    Olly had no idea they cared so much about him. He thought the other robots hated him. Except Rick. He didn’t even think about Rick, but to find the limbs. Up near the land, Rick went deeper and deeper into the ocean. It was harder for him to swim because, he wasn’t as flexible as Olly was. Rick did not have some loose pieces. But, Rick wasn’t worried about that. Rick’s mission was only to find Olly…

8. The Surprise

    “Bump!” Olly and Rick crashed into each other. “Olly?” Rick said surprisingly. “Rick?” Olly wondered “Why are you down here?”  Rick answered “Oh I was just so worried about you I had to come.” Olly smiled “Aw… That’s so sweet, but are you sure you know how to swim?” Rick laughs a bit. “No, I don’t, how are you so good though?” Olly smiles at Rick. “You know how I am really clumsy? Because of my flexibility, I guess I’m just really good at swimming!

    A smile appears on Rick’s face too. “I am so glad you are good at something now!” Rick sniffs, “Um… Olly? Why are you so stinky?” Olly laughs, “Oh…Well long story… um… Basically, I got eaten by a whale, that’s all!” Rick laughs a little too. “Hug?” Rick says? “Yes, hug!”

9. The Mission

    “Don’t worry Olly, I can help you find those limbs!” They start looking under rocks, behind reefs, through the seaweed, they checked everywhere! “I will never find the limbs!” Olly says hopelessly.

    “Olly, I am with you, we are doing this together, and I’ll help.” Rick said. Rick was truly a good friend, he would always help Olly. Then they kept searching.

    “Um . . . you might be right, I see nothing Olly!” Rick had a feeling of giving up too. They have been looking everywhere, and thinking really hard, until Rick spotted something shiny… They quickly swam up to the shiny sparkles. One of the missing limbs! They found one, but they weren’t the first ones to have the limb… something else was…

10. The Chase

    The limb was already found by this creature…

A fish! This fish was big and fast! The moment the two robots saw the fish chewing on the limb, they dashed to get it! The fish was faster than Rick, but not as fast as Olly. Olly swam and cornered the fish. Apparently the fish was also very clever! He went through his legs, and was still on the loose!

    Later when Rick caught up, he was out of breath. “We can’t let that silly fish get away with that limb!” Olly agreed, “We also can’t let the fish chew the arm up completely!” And they both continued the chase!

11. The Ruined, And Chewed Up Limb

   The two friends swam faster and faster, soon they caught up with the fish. Rick grabbed his tail and held it tightly. Olly went in front of the fish and tried to do “Tug of War” with him. First the fish won and then Olly did. “Yes!” Their first mission was accomplished! “Success!” they both shouted.

    Olly stared at the arm. “Rick… umm… well, the limb is a bit… ruined…” Rick looks down to see as well. “Aww man! That mean fish! After we find the other limb, promise me we will never come back here again, ok?” Rick says, “Fine, but to be honest, this is kind of fun!” Olly admits. They continued the search for the last limb.

12. The Rude Queen

    The two robot friends kept searching. A minute later a group of narwhals came. “Hello!” The leader of the weird unicorn-like creatures said. “We are unicorn fish, and I am NELLY! I am the leader of the unicorns!” The robots made a confused face, a very confused one to be specific. “Hello? What are unicorns?” The water affects the robots thinking, that’s why Rick was confused. His robot thinking could not recognize a unicorn. Olly was as confused too. “Yeah, what is a unicorn?” Nelly replies, “A unicorn is a creature with a horn!” Still the robots were confused. “Sorry, we are still don’t get it.” That’s when Nelly got a bit impatient. “YOU GUYS DON’T NEED TO KNOW EVERYTHING!! Only I do!” Nelly started to act a bit sassy, I didn’t like it, neither did Olly or Rick, but that’s how the story goes. “You should know that I’m the QUEEN.” Nelly was also acting a bit rude, she was probably the meanest. The two robots did not like her attitude at all. So, Olly and Rick left to stay away from the rude queen. Olly and Rick knew she was still following them though. She was getting annoying! The robots tried to ignore them, but knew they had to escape. But how?

13. The Escape From Nelly

    Rick and Olly began to swim faster. But Nelly and her army would not lose them. Until a pack of dolphins splashed over to help. The dolphins distracted Nelly from following the robots. Then the robots quickly and quietly swam away to safety. After, Rick and Olly thanked the dolphins and continued the search of the last limb.

14. The Mystery Door

    The two robots opened their eyes wide open and began to look. Suddenly, Rick bumped into a rocky wall. Crash! “RICK ARE YOU OK?” Olly swam to Rick and tried to wake him up. Rick’s eyes twitched a bit and opened up slowly. Thank goodness Rick was ok! Rick got up, “Yeah, I think I’m fine.” Then the robots stared at the huge rock wall for a while. Olly thought he saw sort of like a rectangle shaped door in the wall. Olly swam up to it, “Rick, come look! A mysterious door!” Rick swam over to see the mysterious door. “Should we go in?” Rick asked. Olly nodded his head. “Maybe…” Rick peeked in and saw a light. Then they both swam in.

15. The Fish Returns

When the robots entered the door, the first thing they saw was some seaweed blocking their view. They swam under the seaweed and saw a beautiful treasure chest. “Wow, this light is brighter than me!” Olly exclaimed. “This must be very valuable!” Rick swam to touch the gold to see if it was real. But a shadow swam over and protected the treasure. “Grrr… Stay away from my treasure!!” The robots were shocked. It was the nasty fish again! “Rick, what do we do?” Whispered Olly. “Leave?” Rick whispers back. “You guys don’t go anywhere!” The fish said. Rick and Olly was in trouble…

    Suddenly the door shut! Slam! “Hey, you are the fish who chewed up this limb!” Rick pulled out the chewed up arm and showed it to the fish. “Ohh… Sorry about that, I just really wanted to chew something.” Then Olly got a bit angry. “Well, you didn’t have to chew a metal arm!” Olly screamed. “Olly calm down, the factory can fix it.” Rick reminded. “Hello, my name is Flipper!” The fish said. “And we are robots, I’m Rick and this is Olly.” The robot shook hands with the fish. “I know, I have been watching you two.” The robots gasped, “You mean you have been spying on us?” Olly asked. “Yes, I was. You better stay away from Nelly.” Both of the robots nodded. They knew how horrible Nelly was. “Do you wanna know the story of Nelly?” The fish asked. He was wise, he knew tons of nonfiction stories. “No, all we need is a robot limb, and I bet you took it!” Olly said. The fish nodded, “Yes I did, I will give you it, but we have to make a deal. You listen to the story and I will give you what you want.” The fish seemed a bit suspicious. “Deal?” Rick replied. “Good.” Then Flipper told the story.

16. The Story

    The robots seated down and began to listen. “Once upon a time there was a queen. A very big hearted queen. She was very kind, she was also very pretty. One day there was a war between the north and south. The beautiful queen belonged to the north. There was also a queen in the south. Queen Nora. Queen Nora was very jealous, she wanted to be beautiful too. Queen Nora also had a daughter, Nelly. During the war, bunch of sea creature’s died, including Queen Nora and the Big Hearted Queen. When the war was over, Nelly became the queen. For her life she remembered that day of her mother’s death. She was dreadful from that day ‘till now. She has never changed. Her army understands how Nelly feels, so they protect her if someone tries to harm her. Nelly was also the queen of the narwhal’s, but her most favorite creature was unicorns. So, she named the narwhal’s, unicorns. But that didn’t make her happy, then she ruled the north and the south. But that also didn’t help, and she was sad for her whole life.” The robots were shocked. “Oh no, that is so sad, we never knew any of that! Flipper gave him a tissue. “Now can you give us the limbs?”

    Olly was getting even more impatient. Olly never knew this journey would be so long. It has almost been a week underwater! He only found one limb, so he wants to find the other, fast. Flipper gives him the last limb, and the robots leave. “Thank you Flipper!” Rick says. “Come back soon, I enjoyed telling stories to you! Bye!” Flipper was getting nicer and nicer. Now Olly has a chance to be a hero, or not…

17. The Trap

    When the robots were heading out the door their faces were changed into smiles. “Rick, we finally got all the limbs, now we can head back to the factory!” Olly said, happily. They were all so excited, especially Olly. It was moments until his dream would come true! They splashed and twirled in the water. Then, a jellyfish came over. “Hello?” They said. The jellyfish did not respond. Looks like jellyfish aren’t really friendly… STING! The jellyfish stung the robots, then swam away. The two robots slowly sunk to the ocean floor.

   Later, when Olly and Rick woke up, they were trapped in a cage! Then narwhal’s surrounded them. They knew Nelly was up to something. Then the robots noticed Nelly in the crowd. Nelly came out of the crowd and spoke. “You guys again… Why are you still here? Oh right, haha, you’re trapped!”

    Nelly’s ugly face turned even more ugly. Then the evil fish came out of the crowd. “Flipper?” The two robots asked. “Yes, you fell for the trap fools! Did you really think I would give you the limb? Remember when you grabbed my tail, Rick? That hurt.” Flipper was behind this all along! “Why would you do this?” Olly tried to think of a plan to get free, but there was no way! “We are hopeless!” Rick said, “How will get out now?” Rick started thinking of a plan too. A while later they came up with an idea. Rick whispers to Olly about the plan. Then Olly began to swim up, and he carry the cage. Rick quickly swam out. Now Rick had to get Olly out. He pushed and pushed. The cage was too strong! Olly tried to help too. After shoving and pushing the cage around, Olly escaped. They did cool tricks in the water and swam away. They swam their fastest just in case the narwhal pack and Flipper would follow. Then finally, they escaped!

18. The Hero’s Come Home

   The journey was long, a week has past. The robots were finally back home! Everyone cheered. “Yeah!” Everyone screams, “They are back!” Joyful smiles appear on everyone’s face. The hero’s stepped into the crowd. The crowd could see how damaged they have gotten. Some paint was washed off and some body parts were bended. They could see gross stuff on Olly. He even smelled stinky too. They both smelled very salty. While the crowd was cheering, Rick gave the limbs to the factory. Then the factory began to fix them up, they also fixed up the robots. Now the robots looked brand new, they were shiny like they used to! Later Olly was eavesdropping on some plans. He heard about a party. But for who?

19. The Party

    That evening, everyone was rushing around. They were preparing a party for the robots! Olly and Rick had no idea about it, so it was a surprise for them! When everybody was done setting up, they brought the robots over and made them close their eyes. “1, 2, 3 OPEN!!” They yelled, “Surprise! Welcome back!” The robots were shocked. The factory looked beautiful. There was balloons, glitter, food, confetti, games, decorations, and lots of pretty stuff! The robots even had their own chairs, one read, Rick, and the other read, Olly. They sat in their chairs and enjoyed the party. There was also cake! The cake read: Welcome Back Rick and Olly. The robots gobbled the cake as fast as they could and forgot to leave some for the others. Oops! But it was fine, there was plenty of other types of food left. After eating, they had a dance party!! Woo hoo! This was one of the biggest parties ever!

20. The New Hero

    Rick definitely knew Olly had a new life. He was very happy now! Olly was now a hero. Some people made up names to describe Olly, The Swimming Robot, Flexible Robot, and of course, The Hero of The Sea. But Olly was not the only hero, he had some help. Rick also became a hero. Soon the two robots became very popular. Olly would now be working in the waters, and Rick would be helping on land. But don’t worry, they would be allowed to see each other very often! In this story, turns out that Olly and his friend, Rick became heroes of the sea. Maybe you can become a hero too.